Radovi za Bosnu i Hercegovinu / Papers for Bosnia and Herzegovina
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R., 1948. Spisak vilinskih konjica (Odonata Fabr.) u Biološkom institutu u Sarajevu. Godišnjak biol. Inst. Saraj. 1: 79‑84. – PDF
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R., 1949. La liste des odonates du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle du Pays Serbe. Glas. prir. Muz. srp. Zeml. (B) 1/2: 275‑293. – PDF
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R., 1967. Odonata collected in Dubrovnik district, Jugoslavia. Dt. ent. Z. (N.F.) 14(3/4): 285‑302. – PDF
BEDJANIĆ, M., 2011. Coenagrion hastulatum (Charpentier, 1825), new for the dragonfly fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Natura Sloveniae 1(2): 31-36. – PDF
BEDJANIĆ, M. & T. BOGDANOVIĆ, 2006. Regional guide to dragonflies: other states of former Yugoslavia. In: K.-D.B., Dijkstra & R. Lewington, Field guide to the dragonflies of Britain and Europe, p. 57, British Wildlife Publishing, Dorset.
BOGDANOVIĆ, T., E. MERDIĆ & J. MIKUSKA, 2008. Data to the dragonfly fauna of Lower Neretva river. Ent. Croat. 12(2): 51-65. – PDF
BUKVIĆ, V., 1998. Fauna of dragonflies (Odonata, Insecta) of the Neretva Delta. Dipl. thesis, Univ. Zagreb, Zagreb. 1
DUMONT, H.J., 1977. Sur une collection d’odonates de Yougoslavie, avec notes sur la faune des territoires adjacents de Roumanie et de Bulgarie. Bull. Ann. Soc. roy. Belge Ent. 113: 187‑209.
FRANKOVIĆ, M., 1991. Review of Leucorrhinia records in Croatia and other successor states of the former Yugoslavia (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Notul. odonatol. 3(8): 118-119.
FUDAKOWSKI, J., 1930. Über die Formen von Calopteryx splendens Harr. aus Dalmatien und Herzegovina (Odonata). Annls Mus. zool. pol. 9(6): 57‑63.
GEORGIJEVIĆ, E., [Ed.], 1976. Prilog poznavanju entomofaune Šuma Bosne i Hercegovine. Šumarski fakultet i Institut za sumarstvo u Sarajevu, posebno izdanje br. 10: 51-53. 1 [Bosnian, with Engl. s.]
GEORGIJEVIĆ, E. & D. LUTERŠEK, 1966. Prilog poznavanju entomofaune Šuma BiH. Rad. šum. Fak. Inst. Šum. Saraj. 11(5): 19.
JOVIĆ, M., B. GLIGOROVIĆ & M. STANKOVIĆ, 2010a. Review of faunistical data on Odonata in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Acta ent. serb. 15(1): 7-27. – PDF
KIAUTA, B. & M. KOTARAC, 1995. Two dragonfly records from karst caves in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia (Anisoptera: Aeshnidae, Corduliidae). Notul. odonatol. 4(6): 106-107.
KLAPALEK, F., 1898. Zprava o neuropterach a pseudoneuropterach sbiranih v Bosne a Hercegovine. Vest. čzeske Akad. Cis. Františka Josefa 7(2): 126-134. – PDF
KULIJER, D., 2012. Odonata species and habitats at Livanjsko polje karst wetland area. Int. Dragonfly Fund Rep. 48: 1-38. – PDF
KULIJER, D., 2014. Odonata fauna of karst streams and rivers of South Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina, West Balkan). Int. Dragonfly Fund Rep. 72: 1-50. – PDF
KULIJER, D., 2015. Sympetrum flaveolum in the Dinaric Alps (Odonata: Libellulidae). Libellula 34(1/2): 91–101. – PDF
KULIJER, D., VINKO, D., BILLQVIST, M. & J.J. MEKKES, 2012. Contribution to the knowledge of the Odonata fauna of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Results of the ECOO 2012. Natura Sloveniae 14(2): 23-38. – PDF
KULIJER, D. & G. TOPIĆ 2013. First record of a Balkan population of Ceriagrion tenellum outside the influence of the Mediterranean climate (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Libellula 32(3/4): 193-204.
KULIJER, D., DE KNIJF, G. & M. FRANKOVIĆ, 2013. Review of the Odonata of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Odonatologica 42: 109- 123.
KULIJER, D. & I., MILJEVIĆ, 2015. First record of Leucorrhinia caudalis for Bosnia and Herzegovina (Odonata: Libellulidae). Notulae odonatologicae 8(6): 176-183. – PDF
KULIJER, D., I. MILJEVIĆ & J., JAKOVLJEV, 2016. Contribution of the participants of 4th Balkan Odonatological Meeting to the knowledge of Odonata distribution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Int. Dragonfly Fund Rep. 95: 1–25. – PDF
MATONIČKIN, I. & Z. PAVLETIĆ, 1960. The participation of the single animals and plants groups in building of the life communities on the travertine and erosive falls in Bosnia and Herzegowina. Godišnjak biol. Inst. Saraj. 13(1/2): 41-62.
MATONIČKIN, I. & Z. PAVLETIĆ, 1963. Biocenological relations of the Kravica fall on the river Trebižat in Herzegovina. Acta biol. 32: 15-53.
McLACHLAN, R., 1898. On Neuroptera collected by Mr. Malcolm Burr in Wallachia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, & c., in July and August, 1898. Ent. mon. Mag. (II) 34: 248-249.
MIKŠIĆ, S., 1953. Prilog poznavanju entomozajednica planinskih pašnjaka Treskavice. Godišnjak biol. Inst. Saraj. 6(1/2): 43-47.
MORTON, K., 1908. Odonata collected by Miss Fountaine in Bosnia and Hercegovina. Ent mon. Mag. (II) 44: 37.
PROTIĆ, G., 1925. Hydrobiologische und Plankton-Studien an Seen Bosniens und der Hercegovina, Zweiter teil. GZM 36(1): 93-124.
PROTIĆ, G., 1927. Hydrobiologische und Plankton-Studien an Seen Bosniens und der Hercegovina, Vierter teil. GZM 39(1): 3-42.
PETROVIĆ, N.J., LJ. MILJKOVIĆ, P.A. TIPA, P.S. PAVLOVIĆ & Ž.J. JURIŠIĆ, 1891. The second journey of the teachers and pupils of the Second Belgrade secondary school, over Serbia and Bosnia. Prosvetni Glasnik 12(3): 104-116, (4): 189-194, (5): 247-254, (6): 320-325, (7/8): 384-398.
PONGRAC, Z., 2000. Morphometric characteristics of different populations of the species Calopteryx splendens (Harris, 1782) (Insecta: Odonata) in Croatia. Master thesis, Univ. Zagreb.
PUSCHNIG, R., 1896. Bericht uber die reise des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereines a.d. U.W. nach Bosnien, der Herzegovina und Dalmatien. Mitt. naturw. Ver. Univ. Wien 1895: 33-54.
RADEVIĆ, M., M. MARKOVIĆ, D. MIKAVICA, V. BOJANIĆ & N. SAVIĆ, 2002. Abiotic and biotic characteristics of fishpond Bardaca. Proc. 4th int. Conf. Reservoir Limnol. Water Quality, Česke Budejovice, pp. 282-285.
RIS, F., 1909-1910. Libellulinen monographisch bearbeitet, Vol. 1. Collns zool. Edm. de Selys Longchamps, Fasc. 9-11, pp. 1-384.
RIS, F., 1911-1912. Libellulinen monographisch bearbeitet, Vol. 2. Collns zool. Edm. de Selys Longchamps, Fasc. 12-14, pp. 385-836.
ŠENK, O., 1956. Prilog poznavanju režima ishrane potočnih pastrmki (S. trutta fario) izvorskog dijela rijeke Bosne. Ribarst. Jugosl. 11(3/4): 57-65.
VUKIĆ, M., 1992. Vretenca u entomološkoj zbirci Jurečić. Studentski rad, Univ. Zagreb.
Radovi za Balkan / Papers for Balkan
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R. & S.T. VIJATOV, 1996. Morphometric examination of Calopteryx balcanica Fudakowski, 1930 and C. splendens ancilla Selys, 1853 (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae). Odonatologica 25(2): 109-118.
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R. & S.T. VIJATOV, 1997. Morphometric distinction of Platycnemis pennipes nitidula Brullé, 1832 from P. p. pennipes Pallas, 1771 (Odonata: Platycnemididae). Acta ent. serb. 2(1/2): 61-75.
ADAMOVIĆ, Ž.R., LJ. ANDJUS & A. MLADENOVIĆ, 1992. Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979 in Serbia and Macedonia (Odonata: Cordulegastridae). Opusc. zool. flumin.101: 1-11.
BELANČIĆ, A., T. BOGDANOVIĆ, M. FRANKOVIĆ, M. LJUŠTINA, N. MIHOKOVIĆ & B. VITAS, 2008. Red data book of dragonflies of Croatia. St. Inst. Nature Prot., Zagreb.
DE KNIJF, G., C. VANAPPELGHEM & H. DEMOLDER, 2013. Odonata from Montenegro, with notes on taxonomy, regional diversity and conservation. Odonatologica 42(1): 1-29.
DELIRY, C. & D. LOOSE, 1987. Notes odonatologiques de Grèce et de Yougoslavie. Sympetrum 1: 3-22.
FRANKOVIĆ, M. & M. VILENICA, 2009. Studija inventarizacije vretenaca (Odonata) donjeg dijela rijeke Une i priobalnog pojasa. St. Inst. Nature Prot., Zagreb.
GLIGOROVIĆ, B., PEŠIĆ, V. (2007) Contribution to Knowledge of the Dragonflies (Odonata) from Lake Skadar’s Drainage Basin (Montenegro). Acta entomologica serbica, 12 (2): 11-1. – PDF
GLIGOROVIĆ, B., PEŠIĆ, V., GLIGOROVIĆ, A., 2010. A contribution to the knowledge of the dragonflies (Odonata) from the River Morača (Montenegro). Acta entomologica serbica, 2010, 15(2): 149-159. – PDF
GLIGOROVIĆ, B., PEŠIĆ, V., ZEKOVIĆ A., 2008. A contribution to the knowledge of dragonflies (Odonata) from the area of Gornji Crnci - Piperi (Montenegro). Acta entomologica serbica, 13(1/2): 1-7. – PDF
GLIGOROVIĆ, B., PEŠIĆ, V., ZEKOVIĆ, A., 2009. A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Dragonflies (Odonata) Mountainous Area Lukavica (Montenegro). Natura Montenegrina, 8(1): 31-39. – PDF
GLIGOROVIĆ, B., PEŠIĆ, V., ZEKOVIĆ, A., 2010. A contribution to the knowledge of the dragonflies (Odonata) of the river Brestica (Montenegro). Natura Montenegrina, 9(2): 151-159. – PDF
HACET, N., 2010. An anomalous connection in the genus Aeshna Fabricius 1775 (Odonata: Aeshnidae) with an additional record of Aeshna cyanea (Müller, 1 764) from Turkish Thrace. Acta entomologica serbica, 15(1): 1-6. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M. & B. MIHAJLOVA, 2009. Catalogue of the Odonata collection in the Macedonian Museum of Natural History. Acta ent. serb. 14(2): 133-146. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., 2008. Report on Adriatic Montenegro 2007 project - Odonata. IDF-Report 15: 1-2. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., 2009. Report on Macedonia 2008 project - Odonata. IDF-Report 21: 1-23. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., ANDJUS, L., SANTOVAC, S., 2008. Kritički spisak vrsta vilinskih konjica Srbije, Simpozijum enotmologa Srbije, Subotica, 2008. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., ANDJUS, LJ., SANTOVAC, S., 2009. New data on some rare and poorly known Odonata species in Serbia, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade 2: 95-108. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., LJ. ANDJUS, M. BEDJANIĆ & S. SANTOVAC, 2008. Review of the Odonata fauna of Montenegro. Opusc. zool. flumin. 224: 1-27. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., M. STANKOVIĆ & LJ. ANĐUS, 2010b. Aeshna grandis (Linnaeus 1758) – A new species in Serbian fauna (Odonata: Aeshnidae). Bull. nat. Hist. Mus., Belgrade 3: 137-140. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M., SANTOVAC, S., ANDJUS, LJ., 2008. Leucorrhinia caudalis (Charpentier, 1840) – a new or an ex dragonfly species in Serbian fauna?, Bulletin of the Natural History Museum in Belgrade 1: 161-171. – PDF
JOVIĆ, M. & MALIDŽAN, S., 2009. List of Dragonflies in the collection of the Natural History Museum of Montenegro (Insecta: Odonata). Acta entomologica serbica, 14(1): 121-124. – PDF
KALKMAN, V. J., 2005. On the distribution of the genus Ceriagrion in the Balkans, including C. georgifreyi, a species newfor the European fauna (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Libellula (Suppl.) 6: 25-32.
KULIĆ, L., ERIĆ, K. & GAJIĆ, M., 2013. Cordulegaster insignis Schneider, 1845 (Odonata: Cordulegastridae). The first record from Serbia over a century later. Bulletin of the Natural History Museum 6: 65-69. – PDF
KULIJER, D. & M. MARINOV, 2010. Odonata from Bulgaria in the collection of National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Acta ent. serb. 15(2): 161-169.
KULIJER, D., BOUDOT, J.-P., 2013. First evidence of the occurrence of Cordulegaster insignis Schneider, 1845 in Serbia (Anisoptera: Cordulegastridae), Odonatologica 42(1): 55-62.
LOPAU, W., 2010. Verbreitungsatlas der Libellen in Griechenland (Odonata). Libellula (Suppl.) 10: 5-153.
MARINOV, M., 2001. The genus Somatochlora Selys in Bulgaria. Int. Dragonfly Fund Rep. 3(1/2): 46-53.
MARINOV, M., SEIDENBUSCH, R., 2007. Corduliochlora gen. nov. from the Balkans (Odonata: Corduliidae). IDF-Report 10: 1-13. – PDF
MURÁNYI, D., 2007. Contribution to the Odonata fauna of Albania. Folia Entomologica Hungarica, 68: 41−53.
OLIAS, M. & M. SERBEDIJA, 1998. Zur Faunistik und Ökologie der Libellen der Kvarner-Insel Krk (Kroatien). Dipl. thesis, Fachhochschule Eberswalde.
OLIAS, M., F. WEIHRAUCH, M. BEDJANIĆ, N. HACET, M. MARINOV & A. ŠALAMUN, 2007. Lestes parvidens and L. viridis in southeastern Europe: a chorological analysis (Odonata: Lestidae). Libellula 26(3/4): 243-272.
PEROVIĆ, G., PEROVIĆ, F., 2007. Preliminarni rezultati istraživanja vretenaca (Odonata) na području Međimurja, Hrvatska. Entomologica Croatica, 10(1/2): 87-103.
RAJKOV, S., ARANĐELOVIĆ, A., 2012. Dragonflies of urban and suburban areas of Novi Sad - an insight into surrounding odonate diversity. In: Book of abstracts, ECOO 2012, The 2nd European Congress on Odonatology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2nd - 6th July, 2012. Natural History Museum in Belgrade & Entomological Society of Serbia. pp. 38.
SANTOVAC, S., 2007. Fauna Odonata Vojvodine. Magistarska teza. Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Novi Sad.
SANTOVAC, S., JOVIĆ, M., ANĐUS, LJ., 2005. Sympetrum depressiusculum (Sélys, 1841) new species in the Odonata fauna of Serbia. Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 57 (3), 15-16.
VILENICA, M., V. MIČETIĆ-STANKOVIĆ & M. FRANKOVIĆ, 2011. Dragonfly fauna (Insecta, Odonata) in the Turopolje region (Croatia). Nat. Croat. 20(1): 141-158. – PDF
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Vilini konjici (Odonata) Bosne i Hercegovine
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