Dobro došli na stranicu grupe Lestes – sekcije udruženja BIO.LOG koja se bavi istraživanjem i zaštitom vilinih konjica u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Ova stranica posvećena je vilinim konjicima Bosne i Hercegovine. Ovdje možete saznati sve o vrstama koje žive u našoj zemlji, kao i našim aktivnostima i projektima vezanim za istraživanje i zaštitu ovih insekata.
Cilj naše grupe je osigurati bolje poznavanje vilinih konjica u Bosni i Hercegovini u svrhu njihove kvalitetnije zaštitu i osiguranja dugoročnog opstanka.
Naše aktivnosti obuhvataju:
- istraživanje vrsta i staništa vilinih konjica
- zaštita ugroženih vrsta i staništa vilinih konjica
- kartiranje distribucije vrsta vilinih konjica u BiH
- procjena statusa i ugroženosti vrsta i prikupljanje podataka za izradu crvene liste vilinih konjica BiH
- izradu programa monitoringa ugroženih vrsta
- edukaciju i podizanje svijesti javnosti o značaju zaštite vilinih konjica i slatkovodnih staništa
- promociju odonatologije, nauke koja se bavi istraživanjem vilinih konjica
Pozivamo sve zainteresovane da nam se priključe i pomognu u istraživanju i zaštiti ovih prelijepih insekata. Više o tome kako se uključiti možete saznati ovdje. Pridružite nam se kako bi zajedno osigurali bolju budućnost za ova fascinantna stvorenja.
Izradu ove stranice pomogla je Rufford fondacija u okviru projekta: Research and protection of threatened dragonfly species and habitats in the Mediterranean region of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Welcome to the webpage of the Lestes group – the section of the BIO.LOG Society engaged in research and protection of dragonflies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
This webpage is dedicated to the dragonflies of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Here you can find out everything about the species that live in our country, as well as about activities and projects related to research and protection of these insects.
The aim of our group is to secure better understanding of dragonflies in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the purpose of their better conservation and ensuring a long-term survival.
Our activities include:
- Research of the dragonfly species and their habitats
- Protection of the endangered dragonfly species and their habitats
- Mapping the distribution of the dragonfly species across Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Assessment of the status and threats to the species as well as collecting data for the Red List of Dragonflies of BiH
- Development of the endangered species monitoring program
- Education and raising public awareness about the importance of dragonflies and freshwater habitats protection
- Promotion of Odonatology, a science that deals with dragonfly research
We invite all interested individuals to join us and help in the research and protection of these beautiful insects. More on how to get involved can be found here. Join us so we can ensure a better future for these fascinating creatures together.
Development of this website was supported by the Rufford Foundation within the project: Research and Protection of Threatened Dragonfly Species and Habitats in the Mediterranean Region of Bosnia and Herzegovina.